
  1. Policy-based control for cloud native environments
    • Flexible, fine-grained control for administrators across the stack
    • Use OPA for a unified toolset and framework for policy across the cloud native stack.
  2. Decouple policy from the service’s code, so you can release, analyze, and review policies without sacrificing availability or performance.

Declarative Policy

  1. Declarative
    • Express policy in a high-level, declarative language that promotes safe, performant, fine-grained controls.
    • DSL : Use a language purpose-built for policy in a world where JSON is pervasive.
  2. Context-aware
    • Leverage external information to write the policies you really care about.
    • Stop inventing roles that represent complex relationships that years down the road no one will understand.
      • Instead, write logic that adapts to the world around it and attach that logic to the systems that need it.

Architectural Flexibility


  1. Deploy OPA as a separate process on the same host as your service.
  2. Integrate OPA by changing your service’s code, importing an OPA-enabled library, or using a network proxy integrated with OPA.



  1. Embed OPA policies into your service.
  2. Schemes
    • Integrate OPA as a Go library that evaluates policy
    • Integrate a WebAssembly runtime and use OPA to compile policy to WebAssembly instructions.
